- Vuotava and Mustalahti open sheds
- Lake view
- Forest restore destinations
Difficulty level:
Daytrip, for beginners and families with children
2 – 4 hours Trail markings: Red marks on trees
- Details
- Services
- Maps and Guides
Do you want to have a break in the middle of rushed life? Just be a little while with your own thoughts or maybe have a peaceful quiet moment with your friend. The silent nature trail in Pinkjärvi offers perfect surroundings for that. A daytrip at Pinkjärvi will lead you through a versatile forest nature to the Pinkjärvi coast with a beautiful lake view.
Trail description
The nature trail at Pinkjärvi is about 5 kilometres long ring trail which has been marked with red marks on the trees. The trail starts from the parking area. In the beginning, the trail goes 300 meters along a gravel road and after that the trail turns right and goes deeper in to the forest. Because the trail forms a circle you can also do it the other way around. The trail is quite easy to walk, but there are also more difficult sections where there are rocks and roots on the trail. There are two open sheds along the trail, Vuotava double open shed comes after 1,5 km and Mustalahti open shed after 2,5 km. Both of the open sheds have campfire sites, firewood and ecological toilets. You can stay overnight in open sheds and nearby Vuotava, where you can also put up your own tent. In front of the Vuotava open shed, there is a great little beach where you can go for a swim if you like. The trail between Vuotava and Mustalahti goes along the coastline, giving a beautiful view for hikers. Both open sheds also offer an excellent opportunity to enjoy the silence. In some parts of the trail, there are duckboards to make the walk easier.
Good to know
The nature trail is located in a protected area, which means that the sounds you hear while hiking are all sounds of the nature. If you go on an imagination trip,
you can already hear the swish of leaves and birds singing. Pinkjärvi is one of Natura 2000 nature protection areas. This means that the conservation of this area depends highly on the protection and treatment of the nature. Pinkjärvi is valuable forest area, but there are also open swamp areas, small water areas and small groves. In Pinkjärvi area, you have an opportunity to see many species of birds, for example the Ural owl, Tengmalms´s owl, capercaillie, black woodpecker, grey-headed woodpecker, Eurasian pygmy owl and osprey. Notable plant species are water soldier, greater pond-sedge and grasswrack pondweed.
Difficulty level
The trail has some difficult sections when it goes on a rocky footpath, but the differences in relief are not significant. To make the walking easier, there are duckboards in some parts of the trail. After a rainy day one should be careful when walking on duckboards because they can be slippery when they are wet. Equipment recommendation: clothing according to the weather and good footwear. Taking some snacks and water with you is also recommended.
To start the trail
27110 Eurajoki
N61 17.2381 | E21 45.1024
With public transportation: With Satakunnan liikenne regular bus service Pori-Luvia-Eurajoki-Rauma you can get to Saukonniementie crossroads. From the crossroads it is about 4km walk to the start of the nature trail. More information and timetables for regular bus traffic:
Photo: Sonja Rytkönen
Saukonniemi Cottage
Saukonniemi, 10577 Eurajoki
More information: (in English)
Vuojoki Mansion
Kartanontie 28, 27100 Eurajoki
Tel. +358 (0)2 8399 7700
More information: (in English)
Rantahelmi villas
Pujontie 151, 27170 Eurajoki
Tel. +358 (0)40 559 0254
More information: (available only in Finnish)
Eurajoki Christian institution
Koulutie 4, 27100 Eurajoki
Tel. +358 (0)2 868 0065 Email: (available only in Finnish)
Eurajoki tourism info
Eurajoki tourist office
Riikontie 2, 27100 Eurajoki
Tel. +358 (0)44 3124 216
Ilona Hankonen / nature guidance
Only in Finnish
Tel. +358 (0)44 2787430 (map available only in Finnish)